Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 30 - Conroe: (Like No Place Else)

What a week!

For starters, this was Hna Provost and I's last week together as she flies out tomorrow.  Yes she is really sad.  But we are pushing through it and I know she'll do great.

Last week we went on a hiking thing as a district and I managed to avoid the poison ivy and the ticks.  But it smelled like Connecticut in there.  It was so nice!  And then we played basketball and ate frozen pizza.  It was awesome.

We found the elephants and the giraffes that live here in Cut 'n Shoot.  Sorry I don't have any pictures.  But just in case you were wondering it is legal to own elephants and giraffes in Texas.  When we went to Chile's this week with the Bishop, I found a sign that said, "Conroe: (Like No Place Else)" and it is so true.  There literally is no place like it.  I will miss it a lot.

This week at District meeting we were playing a game to learn Spanish and we were trying our utmost to win if you were scoring by golf, which is, to loose.  When we came down to the final jeopardy and had to bet points, we bet only 1 of our points, because you were not allowed to make a bet of 0.  But when the other team answered incorrectly and bet just the perfect amount of their points (800 points) we ended up winning by exactly one point.  It was really funny.  Then, because so many people from our district are going home, we wrote eulogies and dressed in all black and pretended it was a funeral.  We even made that pudding stuff with the oreos that looks like dirt and make little tombstones to go inside it with their names on it.  It was yummy pudding haha.

We also watched a less active man in our ward give his dogs a bath.  The dogs gave so much resistance it was really hard to watch!  If the dogs could only understand that they were so smelly and gross and grimy and disgusting, they would want a bath.  But, that's the thing about dogs I guess, that they can't see.  Sometimes I feel like we are the dog and that God is giving us a bath.  We scream and yelp and think that it's the end of the world, but if only we could see the way that God does, and realize that we smell, we would want it.  I am glad to have a God that is willing to give me metaphorical baths to help me be better when I sometimes cannot see that I need the improvement.

Yesterday I heard the news that I am getting transferred, meaning that I am being assigned to a new area.  I will miss Conroe a lot, but it will always have a special place in my heart.  If you are wanting to send me mail in the next week, please send it to "16623 Hafer Rd, Houston, TX  77090."  That would be awesome! :) I love you guys and I hope that you all have a wonderful week!  And when God gives you a bath, try to enjoy the warm water and the nice shampoo, and then be grateful when you are clean.

Hna Madison McCurdy

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week 29 - Week thirty? Don't really know…..

We did some calculating this week, and our area has no less than the following towns inside of it:  Richards, Dobbin (doesn't that sound like a place where hobbits would live?), Bobville (my personal favorite), Montgomery, Conroe, Panorama Village, Willis, Ada, Cut 'n Shoot, Security, New Caney, Porter Heights, and Grangerland.  Glorious, isn't it?

Other than that this is what happened this week:
-I accidentally hit Hna Provost in the face with a stapler.  But no damage was done and all is well and she is very forgiving haha.  Thank heavens she is a good companion.
-I helped Hna Provost find and print her very first name in Family History that she can take to the temple.  She was really excited.  And I was excited.  Families are forever man.
-I got to be Hermana Jorgensen's companion for a day again and it was so wonderful.  I miss that woman so much, she is so awesome.
-I met some Chinese people at a baptism and it was really cool.  Hna Provost taught a guy from Taiwan who got baptized this week.  It was a very neat experience.
-We crashed a wedding.  And by crashed I mean oohed and awed over the decorations and pictures and didn't actually "crash" it haha.
-We taught little boys about Jesus for the first time because they had no idea who he was, and then we made Maria a cake for her birthday.

Sorry I don't have much time today, and I am sorry for those people I can't get back to this week.  I love you and will try to get back to you next week.  Love you guys!  I know that this work is very true and that no matter what we do God still loves us.  I hope you make a little bit more time for him this week, and that when you do you will find more joy and more light than you can imagine.

Hna McCurdy

ps. Maria and her birthday cake

ppss. Paulina with a magnifying glass

The wedding crasher! (A lovely person sent me this picture!)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 28 - "Hna Provost without feelings is like Cote D'Ivoire without Coco Beans"

Good morning from sunny and slightly cold Texas!  I don't have very much time, so let me get right to the chase!

Last Monday, our district, or the group of 6 missionaries, went to downtown Houston to go see a really cool butterfly exhibit.  There were butterflies EVERYWHERE, and in case anyone was wondering minus the Koi fish it is better than the Bronx Butterfly exhibit.  It was really fun to be in down town and we got pizza and everything.  My companion took it upon herself to keep up with my J-Walking and she actually did very amazing.  She said it was training for when she comes to visit my family in NYC. :)  And Elder Perez even dared me to J-Walk across the street in front of a cop, but of course I didn't haha.

I got to paint this week!  The Elders needed help painting a flag for our zone, which really I think meant that they wanted us to do it.  We did.  And it was awesome.  Picture below.

The first counselor in the Mission Presidency's wife died two fridays ago, and this week all of the Spanish Missionaries in the whole mission got to sing at her funeral.  There were so many of us, and we were all here in Conroe because that is where the funeral was.  Some missionaries had to drive 100 miles to get there, and for the first time in Conroe history we only had to drive 4.1.  When Hna Lowry volunteered me to conduct all the missionaries I volunteered Hna Provost to do it, and it was probably the best decision that I made all day.  She did amazing!  Afterwards as the entire funeral procession was getting ready to leave, Presidente Vasquez got out of the limo and ran towards the missionaries and thanked each of us personally for singing at his wife's funeral and then hugged us.  That man is one of my heroes.

WE HAD TWO BAPTISMS.  Can you hear the Hallelujah choruses?  I still can!  :)  Paulina's was really awesome.  She invited a lot of her friends and that was really special.   She asked me to talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  She asked Hno Ayala to do the baptism and not only did he leave his phone in his pocket when got into the font, but he slapped her down into the water so hard there was a splash zone created, and Elder Phister who was being one of the witnesses, was hit.  She is so brave.  I love that girl so much for her desire to change her life around.  Mean mugger picture included.

At Milton's baptism, there was more people there than come to church sometimes.  It was awesome.  His wife, Gaby, who is a member, cried.  And she said that in one year they are going to be sealed in the temple and I could probably not be more excited.

This week, on the 6th, was Three Kings Day, which is a tradition that they have in lots of Spanish Speaking Countries.  One of the traditions they do is that they eat this cake thingy with a little baby Jesus inside of it that means that you need to bring the food to a party a couple of weeks later.  We were at one of our recent convert's house and she offered me cake, and I chose this itty bitty little piece on the end because I didn't really want any but couldn't say no and somehow that was where the little baby Jesus was!  I like the saying, "Wise men still seek him,"  which talks about the three kings trying to find the baby Jesus because it easily relates the search for the Savior to us.  What are we searching for this new year, and what are we going to do to be a wise man? (Or women!)  I know that as we make the conscious effort to always seek him that He will illuminate our paths and we will find a joy that we never thought we could have.

I love you all a lot, and I hope that you have a wonderful week!
Hermana Madison McCurdy
ps. Everyone tell my little sister Happy Birthday.  HAPPY FOURTEENTH BIRTHDAY KAMI!!!!! <3

I'm guessing this is the mean mugger picture (?) :)

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 27 - Come and Get it!

Ok you know what? Not going to fight with the technology tonight, pictures first!

Ps. This is Hna Sumsion, Hna Jorgensen, and I before Hna Sumsion went
home this last week. We miss her terribly.

ppss.  This is Elder Wager with 9 marshmallows in his mouth during a Spanish game we were playing. Sorry I don't have any pictures than that this week!

AHA- But I do….. Thanks to the Barrera Family!!