Monday, December 19, 2016

Week 77 - "It depends- who is the Batman?" Hermana de Almeida

I always was one to really love the holiday season.  Looking at our apartment, you sure can tell.  I think we might get a notice from the mission office about having too many Christmas lights or something.  But we're really pleased with how it looks, let's just say that. :)

ANYWAYS- this week I GOT MAIL.  Thank you very very much :) you know who you are.

Also, Hermana Black and I assisted in putting up wall paper this week.  It was pretty awesome.  I was also pretty sore the next day.  We were helping Hna Alcantara, whose house was badly destroyed during the flood, and we were helping her redo her kitchen.  We also learned that the plaquito, or my little black name tag, is excellent for applying the paper to the wall.

We had a stake meeting in which President kind of threw it down...but it was also super awesome.   It was cool to be there in the giant meeting with Bishops and the stake leaders.  We are looking forward to see more unity between the mission and the stake pronto. :)

Speaking of President, we also had our interviews with him again this week.  It was super nice.  When we have interviews it is to check up with us and make sure that we are good, everything is good, and to see if we have any questions or something.  My interviews with President usually go something like this:
President:  "Is anything bothering you Hermana McCurdy?"
Hermana McCurdy:  "what do I do if I think my wisdom teeth are coming in?"
President: *laughs*
President: "Is there anything that is keeping you from reaching your potential Hermana McCurdy?"
Hermana McCurdy:  "I'm afraid of dogs"
President:  *laughs*
Hermana McCurdy:  "It's just that when we go to knock on the door and the crazy dog comes out and barks and acts like he's going to bite me, I just can't knock on the door President.  And I don't know what to do about it."
President: *laughs harder"

But yeah.  Interviews were good. :) neither of those things happened this week, but they have happened in the past.


Also, I attended my own funeral.  Because I will soon be "moving on to the side" the missionaries in my district threw me a funeral this week.  It was sentimental.  I have a great district. :)

AND THEN yesterday it was 9:24 and we were driving home disappointed because we only had 10 contacts, and we needed five more, and we had to go home.  We would have gotten people who were outside, but no one was outside, because it was freezing. (Or, freezing Texas style I should say) and that was when we saw them.  God provided us with 5 contacts right there in the middle of the road, preventing us from driving forward.  GOD IS GOOD.

Other than that, you all know how much I love lights.  Christmas lights, candles, weird light analogies, northern lights, night lights, spot lights, over head strip lights, LED lights, special lights, side strip lights, front lights, etc. etc.
I know that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and that in Him we can do all things.  I know that He came to earth to give light to this earth, because without Him we would be in an endless and hopeless darkness forever.  To find ways that you can spread HIS light with the world, especially this holiday season PLEASE go to and watch the cute Christmas video.

Here is the link:  #Light the world

Love you all!  And always will
Hermana McCurdy

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