Monday, July 11, 2016

Week 54 - Sin Chistes

Chistes first.

Haha actually I am not sure if I have any funny things that happened this week.


We had interviews with President Mortensen again.  It felt so nice to be able to receive counsel from him and to talk to him.  Although he has 200 missionaries to take care of, one thing I love about him is that he knows us and our needs individually.  I have no idea how he does it.  And also he told me that I am probably getting transferred next Sunday, which means I will be leaving Conroe and going some place else.

We went on Mini-exchanges with the Louetta Hermanas on Friday so that Hna Christensen and I could swap places for District meeting*.  That way, she could come up here and observe good things that our district does.  The other district is super funny and has a lot of personality.  I learned a lot and am excited to use the new things that I learned.  I got to be with Hermana Twitchell for the afternoon, and she is a great missionary.  I hope I get to serve around her in the future too.

This week we got a call from a lady that we didn't know, whose name is Lisa.  Lisa and her husband Ramon wanted to come to English Class of Thursday.  They didn't make it to English class but instead asked us if they could come to church!  They were on time too!  We were really excited because that never happens!  We are hoping that this week we will be able to start teaching them.  So that was awesome!

We are also teaching an amazing woman named Elizabeth.  She loves the book of Mormon and as she started to read it this week she told us that she remembered it somehow!  She told us that when she was six years old her father used to read to her parts of the Book of Mormon.  We don't know what happened burr Elizabeth was never baptized, but she loves it.  I love how much she loves it.

I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON!!!!  I finished it in Spanish this week and I was so sad to close it at the end.  That book has changed my entire life.

I know that it is the same of a Musical that makes fun of it and I know that is sounds crazy.
I know that sometime we look at the title and think, "Mormon? Why Mormon?"

But I also know that it is the tool given to us by God to change the world and to save His children.  I know that the Book of Mormon was designed by God to be exactly what it is, because there is no other way that we can know that it is true than by having the faith to ask God exactly that.  It has brought me a greater sense of peace, happiness, and identity than anything else in this world.  All that I know about tyne Savior, about my purpose, about God's love, I know because of the Book of Mormon.  It is why I am here.

I beg each of you to read it.  It will be the most important thing you can ever do.  And if you have already read it, read it AGAIN!  Over and over again!  There is nothing that can make a larger or better impact in our lives than the Book of Mormon.

I love you all SO MUCH and I know that God does too!  I know that He wants to bless you with everything that he can, and that we only have to be willing to take the first step.

To the moon and back
Hermana Madison McCurdy

p.s.  This is Duby.  She's from Barcelona and has a cool accent.  Also there is Ashley Barrera, the fabulous Hermana Wallace, and myself.

*District meeting is a meeting we have every friday with about 6 other missionaries.  There are two districts in our zone.  There are 12 or so zones in our mission.  There are about 420 missions in the world.

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