Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 61 - With a crunch

I'M GETTING TRANSFERRED AGAIN!!!! :)  Which means I have no time.  Here this goes.

This week we went to the temple!  It was very edifying and beautiful experience.  I love the temple!  Families are FOREVER!  

Christian decided on his baptismal date.  We are so excited and he is too!

We had 26 people at English class, which now makes our English Class the biggest in the whole mission!  We are friends with all of them and they love coming.  I am going to miss them too.  Quiero a mis estudiantes :(

We played the hunger games during language study, when we all practice Spanish as a district.  When we wanted to try and attack someone we had to practice the future tense, "I will lunge," "I will run," "I will hit" etc "I will block".  The weapons were frying pan, a cat paw, a broom, a chair, Taylor Swift perfume, and water bottles.  Elder Pigott won after a crazy battle with Elder Blackford, and it was hilarious.

I went to Conroe again on exchanges.  This also was very fun.  I went up there with Hna Wallace, a brand new missionary who you think would have been our for a very long time because she is actually AMAZING!  She has so much faith and she puts it into every little thing that she does.  I think that It was I learned the most, how much we can really involve our faith in the work.

Hna Jorgensen came to visit and took us out to dinner with her family.  They were so nice and awesome.  I have wanted to meet them for a LONG time!

Yesterday we had more people at church than we have had since March!  It was amazing and made us super happy!  Also we got to play the piano and have lots of meetings, and this ward is surely growing.  Slightly triste that I won't be here to keep it happening, but I am so excited for my next area too. :)

Reasons I will miss Hermana Homer:
1.  She thinks up excellent reasons to get frozen yogurt. #woodlands
2.  She loves family history so much that this week when our teacher canceled on us last minute, she did the only 'rational' thing, which is to say that she called President Mortnensen.
3.  She is not afraid to run after people as they are walking away from us to invite them to church.
4.  She smiles when she teaches.  Always smiling.
5.  She loves cats.  And dogs.  And birds.  I never need to be afraid of animals when she is there because I know she's got it.
6.  Her random yelling of random things.  For example, "Where's my tennis ball?" or "I'm running away from my feelings!" :)
7.  When she laughs, she laughs well.

This week, I heard a story from one of our members about his cousins, a less active man who is really hard to work with.  He told me the story about how when this less active man was nine years old, President Monson went to his stake in Mexico.  When he was shaking all of their hands, he looked down at this little boy and said, "Hola Obispo," or "Hello Bishop."  This brother was very confused and said, "no soy obispo, " "I am not a bishop" and President Monson said, "No, but one day you will be."  As I heard this story, I was obviously more inspired to work with this man and help him come back to church.  Why hadn't we before considering all the greatness and the potential in this man?  Why had we never before considered how special and important he was going to be one day?

And then I realized, why don't I have this opinion about every single less active man, woman, youth, or child?  Each of them will one day be bishop, and Relief Society President, and a missionary.  Why do I not have the desires to go save them as much as I have for the man?

I think sometimes we lack a little bit of vision when we work with our Less Active members.  It doesn't matter how well we know them, what their excuses are, or whether or not we know why they are not coming to church.  Their personal hurdles in life, our attitudes, and their challenges are not important.  What IS important, is that they are not partaking of the sacrament each week, that they are not doing the ONLY thing that they can do to one day be saved.  They are not enjoying the peace that comes when you know that you can truly be clean.

Don't do it because that less active is going to be a bishop one day.  Do it because you love him.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and I will let you now what happens next week. :)
Hermana McCurdy
I saw Hermana Gutierrez at Stake Conference. :)

Coaklands Looking at the Temple.  Notice we all wore red.  Coincidence? I think not.
(Coaklands= Conroe, Oakcrest, and Woodlands)

Coaklands looking at the temple.

The Hunger Games

The Hermanas of the Coaklands District at the Hunger Games.

A creepy foto Hna Homer took of Hna Chavez, Rosie and I doing family history. 
(We found 17 names!)

Us with Hna Jorgensen, now McKenna

Us with a picture of a graph of our ward attendance for the last 7 or so months.  That part when it starts getting higher is when we got here and we were SUPER excited.

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