Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 67 - "I'm not sure why but I have to be behind the body." Elder Tidwell (2)

So this week Hermana Beaty knocked on a door and then screamed as a giant pittbull jumped out from behind the trailer and tried to attack her.  She lived because the leash was too short hahaha.

At approximately 9:30 on Wednesday the Elders called us to tell us, "The cleaning ladies are coming!!!" Think, "The British are coming" part 2.  Hermana Andreasen stood up and screamed, with her finger pointed dramatically into the air, "CLEAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!"  Two of us ran into the kitchen and the other ran into the bathroom.   2 minutes later when they knocked on the door we were sitting on the floor looking as though nothing had happened.  At the end, the lady doing the inspection said, "Are you always this clean?  It's almost like you knew we were coming.  It's amazing!"  We smiled to each other and got a perfect score. Haha :)

We also had MLC on Tuesday.  Because we now have 3 sister training leaders in our zone, we could drive with the elders there, because they have bikes.  MLC was awesome.  The adventure was on the way back when we had to fit the bike in the back of the car as well.  Picture down at the bottom.  We were very lucky we didn't get in an accident haha the elders would have been busted.

We asked Yessica, our investigator getting baptized soon, and said, "Why are we baptized?"  And she said, "para sue peuda star con mi familia para siempre," or "So that I can be with my family forever." We were like....Woah.  That was the most true, deep statement I've ever heard.

We had zone meeting, which was awesome.  We have somehow become a family here in the Houston West South Zone.  We also have 18 baptismal dates, which is FANTASTIC.  WOOH HOO!  We are all pumped and super excited.

After, we threw a funeral for Elder Scholar, who is going home tomorrow.  He is "dying" in mission lingo.  It was very touching.

We had 6 people at church! Yippee!

This week I met this lovely lady named Sister Adelman who is having surgery today.  I got to hug her and she told me how happy it made her because she has a daughter being a missionary somewhere and she hoped that her daughter would be hugged.  I asked her where her daughter was serving and she told me Rhode Island.  As she described to me the mission of her daughter she mentioned that she got to go through the temple open house for the Hartford Temple.  For some reason I started to cry as I imagined this sister missionary going through the walls of this beautiful building and felt so happy for her that she could go.  Oh how I wish I could go too.  Please, every single one of you go through the open house of the temple.  It's a once in a lifetime thing.  We are baptized so that our families can be together forever, and it is ONLY in the temple where that becomes possible.  Please go :)

Love you all!  Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you :)
Hermana McCurdy

Here is the link for anyone who would like to go:
Hartford Temple Open House

Houston West South Zone

Made fruit loop/cheese it necklaces.

After the baptism

Giselle with the giant cat that we found.

Me with the giant cat

Us with the bike.

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