Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 66 - "Don't make me raise my hand, Satan!" - Hermana Andreasen

To start this week off we had one of the strangest lessons I have ever had in my life.  It ended with us setting two baptismal dates.  We cried.  It was a good lesson because people wanted to be baptized, but a bad one because we walked out of there sad which was weird because I didn't know both could exist: setting baptismal dates and being sad.  We had to run out of there because then....

We had a conference call with President Mortensen who talked to us about a lot of things while we prepare for the end of the year and then just as we hung up and got to talk about that crazy lesson....

We got another call from President Mortensen telling us that one of the Hermanas in the mission was flying home the next morning off of schedule, which meant that there was an odd number of sisters in the mission, and also that the sister who was shortly going to be without a companion, was coming to stay with us for the next little bit until transfers.

Which meant we were trying to find another bed, and had to get up super early to pick up Hermana Beaty from the mission office.  We said goodbye to her companion which was really sad.  I don't think I've ever hugged anyone so hard in my entire life.  I love Hermana VanDyke and I miss her a lot.

And then the next day we set another baptismal date with Rodrigo.
Life is pretty good.  In a way that only trios can be.

So this week has been an adventure, to say the slightest.  But now that we are in a trio it also means that we can give the poor elders, who are on bikes, rides in our car.

We had general conference!  General Conference is when we get the opportunity to listen to the prophet.  That was awesome too!  I learned some super good stuff, and I'll tell you more about it next week when I can quote things and don't have a lot to say.

Also, THE TEMPLE PICTURES.  The pictures of the Connecticut temple camp out this week on the Internet and I was laughing and crying and just so incredibly happy that we are getting a temple in Connecticut.  Before it is dedicated everyone has the opportunity to go look inside, and you can even go in with my mother.  Just ask her for information at

Jesus Christ LIVES.  THE BOOK OF MORMON IS TRUE.  I hope y'all have a wonderful week.  Sorry these emails are getting weird.  I promise a good one next week.

Hermana McCurdy

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