Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 69 - "Nothing is worse than the Mills Building font."

To start this week off right, we got to ride in a limo.  Or rather should I say, sit in a limo and take pictures.  Either way it was nice.  You take what you can get, right?

I also got to relive all my high school memories and go back to early morning seminary.  (A program for high school aged students to study the scriptures before school every morning- and before school meaning 5:45am. Every school day.) . I was so tired- what a small wonder that we did that every morning for 4 years.  However, this time there were a couple differences- 1. The students brought breakfast tacos and 2. We got to teach it.  I appreciated my seminary teachers a lot more.  Thank you, Bishop Hogan, Sister Nelson, Sister Henrichsen, Brother English, and of course you too Mom, for all you did, and for all that I still don't know that you did.

We also got to help the Elders move their apartment.  We loaded all the stuff into a giant trailer, and then to their new apartment, where we carried all the stuff up a flight of stairs.  There was only one catch to this: there is a rule that Elders and Sisters can not be in the apartment at the same time, meaning we would carry the stuff to the door, and then politely wait for them to take the stuff inside, or depending of what it was, throw it into the side room.  While we were helping them move, the Elders were taking a washer up the windy little flight of stairs, and we stood there waiting for them to go up so we could put the stuff next to the door.  A Hermana who will not be named (one of my companions, but i won't tell you which one haha) was holding a soccer ball and figured that while we were waiting for the elders who were struggling with the washer, she would just throw the soccer ball into the open door.  She threw it, it looked like it was going in, it hit the railing, rebounded, and hit Elder Tidwell right in the face.  It was like a YouTube video.  In retrospect, I think he things it's funny too.

Also, we went on exchanges with the Hammerly Hermanas.  Hermana Beaty and I went to Hermana Taylor and it was pretty fun.  We were really lucky they have a third bed in their apartment.  It was very good.  We taught about prophets, visited a lot of taco trucks, and met the Nunez family, who are Chilean/Mexican family with red hair, and 4 sons, two of which passed away when they were kids.  They were pretty awesome and are great examples of how the gospel can bring peace and hope to our lives.

We also met a new investigator named Grace.  Grace is from Puerto Rico but moved to los Estados when she was twelve.  When she switched from Spanish to English my ears started screaming at her accent.  It turns out she learned English first in Boston, and then in Brooklyn, which makes her one of those people who somehow have both accents.  I was like, "Oh-How I miss it!"  She has a hard life and she kept saying, "I need to get baptized so I can save my mom!" :) . she is super cute.

We also had the ward Halloween party.  We gave out pass a long cards and Books of Mormon to the children to give away.  There was a five year old who ran away, weighed down with a Book of Mormon in his candy bag, and yelled, "YAY THE BOOK OF MORMON!!!" :) That kid is awesome.

Also, my whole mission I wanted a testimony about fasting.  I have always known that fasting was a good thing, and that it helps us, and that we should do it, but I never had an EXPERIENCE with it until this week.  Well, this week we experienced quite the roller coaster with Yessica's baptism.  I will spare you the details.  But basically, it all boiled down to how her bosses never change people's schedules, and she had to change her schedule or she wouldn't be able to be baptized.  We were panicking and decided to fast.  We had a miracle and it turns out she will be able to be baptized.  How happy I am that God answers prayers.  Thank you thank you thank you.  I know fasting works for each of us if we let it.  If you would like to know more about fasting, please go to this link.

Love always,
Hermana McCurdy

ps.  Still need to know about my pumpkin carving.  Houston temple, Washington DC Temple, Hartford Temple or Salt Lake temple?

Us in the limo.

Us and the Hermanas.  Don't know why I'm posing weird.

A bunch of us...

For Hermana Wallace

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